Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Interview: Taylor Ri'chard, Director of HALLOWED BE THY NAME

I had an awesome opportunity to sit down chat with director, screenwriter and executive producer Taylor Ri'chard, about his horror film Hallowed Be Thy Name

Written, directed and produced by Taylor Ri'chard comes the supernatural horror Hallowed Be Thy Name!
Hallowed Be Thy Name will be tomorrow, 7/1 on VOD.  

I'm really looking forward to seeing Mr. Ri'chard's latest film because I really enjoyed his Louisiana found footage horror film The Final Project (2015). Streaming on Tubi.

Real Queen of Horror: You wrote and directed your second feature film Hallowed Be Thy Name. What's the inspiration behind this film? 

Taylor Ri'chard: I was inspired by the folklore of my childhood with this film. I remember growing up and hearing about these types of stories. So that history sorta served as a launchpad for Hallowed Be Thy Name. 

RQOH: I'm a huge fan of your films having a Creole flavor. Both The Final Project and Hallowed Be Thy Name take place in Louisiana. Why Louisiana? 

TR: I think when I look at my culture as a whole, we have so many perspectives on horror and I feel like because it's a fresh perspective. Louisiana is an amazing backdrop for any type of scary story you want to tell...just dig in its history. 
RQOH: As the creator behind Hallowed Be Thy Name, what do you hope people receive from it? 

TR: I hope people become inspired to bring some more originality back to the horror genre. We have been plagued with remakes and more and more original content is finding harder struggles to get made. HBTN is an indie film but it's fresh and original and I hope to see more films like this as more indie filmmakers find their way to the screen. 

RQOH: You're a writer, director, and the CEO of 3rd Fathom Films, your production company. You have such a drive for creating! What advice do you have for someone who would like to do what you're doing? 

TR: I would tell any creative that is thinking of moving into producing and creating their own content to focus on craft. They also need to understand the business of making movies. Sadly, I always see the divide among creatives on whether you should get a formal education in filmmaking or just teach "yourself"...and I feel like that's not a helpful conversation. 

I have been on both sides.. I've been a "teach myself" filmmaker and then a filmmaker with a "MFA" in filmmaking. I am so grateful for the latter. I think if you can afford film school you should pick a good one and go learn and develop your craft. If you can't afford film school then do everything you can to get yourself around those who are functioning at the level that you are seeking to function at and learn everything you can. 

These decisions will be among the key factors in your ability to monetize your craft. 

RQOH: And finally, what upcoming projects can we expect from you next? 

TR: I'm currently working on my next slate of films. A surprise to know is that I am branching out beyond horror and working on 3 dramas and 1 thriller. I'm hoping to start production on my next film later this year. 

Due to COVID-19 our entire schedule has been wrecked like so many production companies and studios...so we are just prepping and working on craft!

Synopsis: Superstition, magic, and bad decisions drive us down a road into a small town in rural Louisiana with Devin, a 17-year-old boy, being dragged to his mother's hometown after his parent's' ugly divorce. After arriving to his grandmother and settling into his unwanted new life, Devin meets two locals who swept him out of his comfort zone. Like most teens they are curious and ignoring all warning they venture deep into a forsaken Cave, thought to be haunted by local town people. Together they meet, CAUCHEMAR, a legendary demon that wreaks havoc on all those it encounters. They learn quickly that sometimes in life we have to allow nature to take its course, because there are some things that just aren't meant to be. Ever hear the saying "When man plans, God Laughs?" That statement has never been more true than in this story.

Follow the film and Taylor on Instagram

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