Today would have been Jess Franco's 90th birthday!
Synopsis: When model Barbara Hallen disappears in France, her father's private detective traces her steps to a private plastic surgery clinic run by Dr.Flamand.
I don't always recommend Jesse Franco movies because I know he's not everyone's cup of tea, however, his film Faceless (1987) is one more people need to see.
Renowned plastic surgeon, Dr. Frank Flamand, is desperately searching for a way to restore his sister's beauty after she is scarred in an acid attack. This is a Jess Franco movie so there's going to be sleazy and plenty of gore.
The effects in this film are not only gruesome but it looks very realistic. I first watched this movie back in 2013 for the first time and there's a particular scene that stuck in my brain that involves a drill in the head. Anyhow, if you haven't checked out this movie, I highly recommend it!

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