Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy Birthday to ME!!

Happy BELATED Birthday...!
On January 6th, the Real Queen of Horror was born!

I was extremely sick yesterday on my birthday soooo I didn't get to do anything, go anywhere or even have cake! Boo! I spent the day in bed but at least I was able to watch HORROR MOVIES!! I was able to check out three in between my napping. Antisocial (2013) was first, followed by The Midnight Meat Train (2008) and finally The Black Room (1983)

My birthday plans of shopping in morning til the evening then watching horrors later that night was changed but not too drastically. I didn't have the energy shop--surprisingly however I did have the energy to watch some horrors I never seen before. I'm still PUSHING for National Horror Day, a day where people watch at least one horror in honor of Real Queen of Horror! 

Anyhow, thank you all who wished me a happy birthday! Today, I'm feeling a whole lot better, I'm able to sit up and I can actually walk around without feeling dizzy. 

Overall, I had a wonderful birthday/National Horror Day!

Let's keep HORROR alive & glorious!

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