Monday, May 13, 2013


 Mini Monster Cupcakes

I've been trying to bake lately and I think I've been doing a pretty awesome job! I wanted to try something different but still represents me and would be yum! I came across this recipe for mini monster cupcakes! Not only are they super cute/creepy but it looks like it'll be fun to make!

Makes: 12 servings
Serving Size: 1 cupcake
Yield: 12 (2-1/2 inch) cupcakes
Start to Finish 45 mins!

- 2 containers of 16 ounce creamy white frosting
- Brown and leaf green paste food coloring OR purple paste food coloring
- Black, orange, and purple paste food coloring
- 12  2 1/2inches cupcakes  in paper bake cups (flavor of yours choice!)
- 6 large black gumdrops, halved crosswise
- Toasted coconut
- Assorted black candies, such as licorice laces and candy-coated sunflower kernels (optional)
- Large marshmallows
- Large and/or small gumdrops
- White small oval mints, such as Tic Tacs (optional)
- Rolled fruit leather (optional)
- Candy circus peanuts, halved crosswise (optional)

I found this recipe on, so definitely head over there if you want more details on how to make these awesome cupcakes!

Monster Cupcake Kit!

I found this on!

It's a monster cupcake kit! In the kit includes all you need to make 12 scary monster cupcakes! So, the chocolate cake mix, orange frosting, blue frosting and royal icing monster decorations are in this awesome kit! All you would have to do is add the eggs and oil. I may just order this!

If anyone have any other creepy baking good recipes, please share!

Enjoy the awesome BLOG HOP!