Thursday, November 3, 2011

Upcoming Horrors of November 2011!

Whether if it's straight to DVD or the theaters, here is the REALLY short list of horrors coming out this month! If you already checked any of the two out please let me know! Or if you plan on checking any out...let me know anyway.

Melancholia - Release date: November 14th, 2011

This movie will be released limitedly. This film is described as a beautiful movie about the end of the world. The story is about how a large object from outer space approaching Earth that will affect us all. Doesn't really sound like horror but I do think there will be some horrific points.

11-11-11 - Release date: November 11th, 2011

11-11-11 will take on the idea of 11 gates of Heaven and how on 11:11 on the 11th day of the 11th month, the 11th gate will open up and something from another world will enter the earthly realm for 49 minutes. I'm hoping this movie doesn't let me down, I always had a fascination with 11:11.


  1. Never heard of 11-11-11. Sounds very interesting! Hope you had a great Halloween Zena xx

  2. 11-11-11 sounds really cool and I'm excited to see it! :)

  3. saw the official trailer for Melancholia at the cinema - definitely looks intriguing

  4. I saw them both, and I have to say I wasn't blown away by either of them.

    Melancholia is moody, artsy and depressing - the typical Trier movie. Having said that, it was mesmerizing and wonderfully-acted.

    11-11-11 is without a doubt the worst movie of the year. It was dull, poorly-crafted, cliched, gimmicky and un-scary.

    Director's previous film "Mother's Day" was a brilliant and utterly disturbing piece of cinema, but this one is just plain awful!

    Love your blog, by the way. :)

  5. oh dear...Ive seen 11 11 11 now, and I was less than impressed. I'll be reviewing it tomorrow...

  6. Looking forward to Melancholia!

  7. Ha, watching your video is hilarious. Turning the lights out, walking away. I guess it was really bad. I always had a problem with the assumption that everyone is on the Roman calendar.

  8. @Kyle We both were wrong, my dear! :[

    @Ricky I hoped so too...but I did a review on it's awful.

    @Jenny If you watched it, let me know your thoughts!

    @Shel It did look like it'll be an awesome watch. Did you check it out?

    @Ty Great man of taste!

    @MsMariah Lol. Thank you! :) And it really was...
