Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Film Review 15 -- Straw Dogs

I did a spoof on Straw Dogs (2011) last week and this past weekend I was able to check out the film. Here's a short video on my thoughts of the film--so sorry the timing is off! You'll feel like you're watching an old Martial Arts movie...but with no Martial Arts, just meeee. :P

If you've seen the original Straw Dogs, how did you like it in comparison to this remake? If you've seen this remake, let me know what you thought! Or if you're planning on seeing the movie...let me know--regardless!


  1. Too funny. The example were great. Love the Piss Meter.

  2. Great review! Love the examples too!

    This was an ok remake. The original was better, but James Woods put it a fun performance as the insane drunk coach.

  3. Haha! I liked the line in example #3. "You're a cow and you're a word." :) That's one of those silly, nonsensical things a person would yell in the middle of an out of control angry rant!

    What was happening in example #2? Was he flashing his shoulders to someone outside the window?

  4. @Vivienne Thank you for watching! I think you should get a piss meter too. :P

    @Ty James Wood did an awesome job! Very believable.

    @Justine Thank you for watching! I thought that was funny too. When I'm doing those lil skits, it's really hard sometimes because I'm a giggler. Lol. He was showing his boobies to the dude outside.

  5. Good review. I also laughed at the cow/word line. Was that improvised?

  6. I have watched this like four times and I laugh out loud every time that I see it. Zena, you NEED your own TV show to showcase your absolutely hillarious sense of humor and creative abilities!
