Saturday, August 27, 2011

Midnight Son trailer

Midnight Son was directed by Scott Leberecht, produced by Matt Compton and executive produced by Eduardo Sanchez, the co-creator of the Blair Witch Project. I think I fell in LOVE with how this film looked: grungy, raw and realistic! It's taking vampire movies in a brand new direction, which I adore! There is no release date on it as of yet...but it has been shown at film festivals. I'd love to check this movie out. I already requested to see it in my area, but who knows! :(

I can't wait till it is fully available for my eyes to dive into & enjoy!


  1. Looks pretty cool. For some reason it made me think of Near Dark.

  2. That is gritty and filmed in a realistic way. I guess that shouldn't be a surprise if it's coming from the same guys who brought us Blair Witch! I hope you'll be able to see this in its entirety at some point.

  3. This looks intriguing. I'll have to keep my eyes out for it.

  4. Man, this looks amazing! I'll definitely have to keep an eye out for it.

  5. Oh this looks cool. Reminds me a little of the 90s film The Addiction.

  6. I support any Vampire that doesn't sparkle in the sunlight. :D

  7. Here is an award you thought you might have never seen or received, but here it is! Enjoy...


  8. I think this one should cure my cynicism over vampire movies. Glad I caught the trailer over here!
