Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Film #12: Don't Be Afraid of the Dark

Sunday I saw this movie and sadly, I was disappointed.

Anyhow, it was released August 26, 2011 and was directed by Troy Nixey, and written by Matthew Robbins & Mr. Guillermo del Toro himself. G. del Toro pushed for this movie to be rated R and after seeing the movie, I still don't know how it was that! The movie starred Bailee Madison, Katie Holmes, Guy Pearce and last but not least Jack Thompson

I'm not saying it was a bad movie, just wasn't good & it sucks because it had OOBER potential to be something grand & fantastical. You can check it out if you please...you may dig it! If you liked it, disliked it or felt bleeehh about it, let me know!


  1. Pity, I was looking forward to this one.

  2. !!! I love your video review. I cracked up with the old guy thing. I love great movie soundtracks. you have a great sense of humor!

  3. @Ricky I was sad too! :(

    @MissBobo thank you, I'm glad you liked! :P

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I am officially bummed that you didn't like it.

    Also, Guillermo Del Toro has been quoted in saying that he and Nixey pushed for a PG13 rating in which to get younger viewers in the theaters to relate to the film more. The ratings board slapped an R on the film because of child terror as well as the opening scene of violence. There's a YouTube video of Del Toro expressing his displeasure of the film's current R rating. So, I can fully understand how viewers might walk into this film expecting all kinds of crazy R rated stuff...when, in actuality it's meant more for younger viewers and how it sucks when grown ups don't pay attention to their fears.

    I felt that there was so much cool stuff to like about the film. Altho, Pan's Labyrinth was immensely better.

  6. I watched the original version again fairly recently and I hate to say it but I was disappointed in that one too. I remembered it as being much better than it really was. Once the surprise of the little creatures is gone, it's too dated to ever watch again.

  7. I have to say that I loved the movie and the way it was set. Sorry to hear you didn't like it.

  8. I'll wait it out for a Blu-Ray rental.

  9. @FilmDeviant I'm disappointed too. I thought it was filmed beautifully and the actors & actresses did a great job.

    I agree with you, there were sooo many cool stuff to like in the film but the story line didn't do it for me. I think what really took the cake was the ending. A huge disappointed. I had no idea that he wanted it be PG 13, I need to get MY facts straight.!

    @Dr Blood that is true. Too bad that didn't really keep the mysterious of the LOOK of the creatures.

    @Ghostwound I'm glad you liked it. No worries! Although I didn't like it, I'm not bashing it.

    @MaxEvel you may enjoy it!

  10. You're too funny!!!!!! I like this review, thanks for letting me know. Now I won't waste my time on it :)

  11. I'll see your disappointment and raise you. Can Katie Holmes even act?> WTF. Sad sad state of affairs.

  12. Awesome video! That is unfortunate you didn't like it. Big Guy Pearce fan, but will probably wait for dvd.

  13. Can't imagine that Guillermo del Toro is able to make a bad horror movie, but lots of people are complaining about this one.

  14. @RandomGirl I'm glad you enjoyed! :P It was an entertaining watch, you may dig it!

    @Keith Lol. I honestly didn't think Katie Holmes was that bad! I know a lot of people thought she was bad.

    @Ty Its cool if you wait for the DVD. You may enjoy it.

    @Vanessa I don't think it's a bad horror movie, it just wasn't what I expected. But like you said, there are a lot of people complaining.

  15. depressing news. I was looking forward to this one too. I'll still see it, with my guard up :)
