Monday, July 18, 2011

FILM -- Stake Land

I watched this movie earlier today and was in awe with the atmosphere of the whole film. It's filled with vampires, cannibals and unbalanced humans. To me, this film has raised the bar for vampire/apocalypse films. This film was directed by Jim Mickle and was just released April 22, 2011.

The director Jim Mickle also directed Mulberry Street and I heard that this is a follow to the cult hit. The cast includes Connor Paolo (He's Eric from Gossip Girl), Nick Damici (Who helped write this film), Danielle Harris (She played Jamie Lloyd in Halloween 4&5 ALSO she still look great) and some other recognizable people.

Anyway!! This awesome film is about a teenage boy named Martin and just before the country collapses in an empty pit of political and economic disaster, a vampire epidemic sweeps across whatever is left of the country. The nation is now filled with abandoned towns and cities. Now, it's up to a sly, unnamed vampire hunter to get Martin safely up north to Canada, the continent's "New Eden". I was so impressed with this film.

This film is similar to Zombieland but more serious & kinda similar to The Road but less depression & more horror. I recommend this to EVERYONE, even if you don't like horror. It's an never ending adventure. It has a great cast and awesome music, which surprised everyone being that it's a low budget film. The ONLY thing about this movie that I don't care for is the ending. :| It is semi-disappointing to me, but may not be for you!


  1. I enjoyed it and also how the brotherhood used the vampires for their beliefs on why this vampirism disease came about.

  2. I can't wait to see this! A cross between Zombieland & The Road sounds pretty promising to me!!

  3. Gawd, I wanna see this! Is it on Netflix???

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. @Slowdeath77 I liked that too, especially how that vampire disease came about & all! I know you did a detailed review on it but I just wanted to put my thought out on.

    @B.Stank, it really was. It was great no complaints minus..the ending for me, personally.

    @Anonymous Lol. It's on Netflix but not streaming, disc only.

  6. In complete agreement with you.. a brilliant film. I noticed the similarities to ZOMBIELAND and THE Road, also...
    Heres my review in case your interested :)

    Keep up the good work! :)

  7. I think Danielle and I are the same age. I've always liked her. I remember seeing her in the Halloween films of the 80s.

  8. @Kyle, of course I'll check out your review.

    @Chris I hope you, very enjoyable.

    @MsMariah I always liked her too.

  9. I've heard a lot about this movie and keep forgetting all about it. But you sold me! I'm going to Netflix right now before I get distracted by a squirrel or something.

  10. @Sean I'm glad I did! Lol. I get distracted by squirrels too. :P

  11. The monster looks nifty. I'd like to see more from this director

  12. Since I'm a huge fan of Zombieland, I'll have to check this out.

    Great review!

