Sunday, July 10, 2011

CLASSIC HORROR -- Rabid Grannies 1988

This is a Belgian film that was dubbed in English and distributed by the awesome Troma. It was directed by Emmanuel Kervyn and released sometime in 1988. In this film, a large family gathers to the countryside to celebrate their two grandmothers' birthdays. One of the gifts the grandmothers' receive is from their devil worshipping nephew. Once the gift is open, the two lovable grandmothers turn into vicious, flesh eating demons. it cheesy? Yes. The acting/dialogue is awful, but the gore is delightful. It's a fun little horror comedy that revolves around demon possession, though I can see why a lot of people never heard of it or were unwilling to give it a try. You can give it a try if you want, it's on Netflix!


  1. I always remember the cover for this movie, Not sure if I ever watched it though. Will check it out when i'm in the mood for some cheese def

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  3. How could anyone resist the name, 'Rabid Grannies'?!

  4. I love, love, love Rabbid Grannies! Good stuff :) glad to see the film getting some attention.

  5. Haha "Rabid Grannies" The title alone is entertaining! At least this sounds like an original idea for a movie.

  6. Wow. I consider myself a movie connoisseur, but you found one I've never even heard of. Well done. It certainly looks cheesilicious.

  7. There are very few Belgian horror films that I have had the luxury of watching. But I would definitely go take a look at this. It sounds like a reversed story of Arsenic and Old Lace, in which the elderly women are the victims. And I love when the killers are victims.

  8. that was the name of my punk bad in the 90's... or at least it would have been except for the copyright infringements. we were the "rabid g's" and we didn't get lots of gigs cause we were a punk band in the 90's... punk was dead by then.

    happy day,
    jeremy [iZombie]

  9. I used to have a rabid granny, that's probably why I didn't see the need to check this movie out at the time. I guess it's time to take a looksee

  10. I can't believe this is an actual movie. It just sounds too good / bad to be true :D
